5 Months Men’s Wear Course


To enable individual create apparel or custom patterns with respective with respective final finishing according to the clothing requirements and to take students from sewing experience to becoming an industrial machinist. The students are taught machine handling skills, production sewing and full garment construction techniques to industry standard.

Duration: 3 months + 2 months internship
Subjects: Patternmaking, Garment Construction with professional finishing and Native
Module Mentor: Mrs Doyin Sonubi and Mr Victor Oussou
Venue: ABSL Fashion Institute, Anthony, Lagos.

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Topic to be covered

Pattern Making

Aim of the Module: To enable individual create apparel or custom patterns with respective with respective final finishing according to the clothing requirements.

  1. Introduction to Pattern Making
    1. Using the Blocks
    2. Sizing
  2. Flat Blocks (Woven and Jersey)
    1. Flat Trouser Blocks (One-Piece and Two-Piece Blocks)
    2. Flat Shirt Blocks (Woven Fabric)
    3. Tee Shirt and Knit Wear Blocks (Jersey Fabrics)
    4. The Flat Kimono Block (Woven and Jersey Fabrics)
    5. The Raglan Block
  3. Pockets
  4. Fly
  5. Cuffs
  6. Natives
    1. Senator
    2. Classic Buba and Sokoto
    3. Other variations

Garment Construction

  1. How to sew a complete shirt
    1. Fixing collars
    2. Fixing cuffs
    3. Fixing plackets
    4. Fixing pockets (Patch)
  2. How to sew a complete trouser
    1. Fixing of zippers
    2. Fixing of bands
    3. Fixing of pockets

Tools Needed 

You can now order your designing tools, both Patternmaking & Garment Construction here 

  1. Brown Paper
  2. Armhole Curves / French Curves
  3. Measuring Tape
  4. Sharpener
  5. Eraser
  6. Paper Scissors
  7. Pencil 
  8. Masking Tape
  9. Metal long straight Ruler
  10. Tracing Wheel
  11. Hip Curve     
  12. Muslin/ Calico / Teru 

Additional information


Mrs Doyin Sonubi