5 Months Advanced Course


To enable individual create apparel or custom patterns with respective final finishing, according to the clothing requirements. This Course takes your skills to the next stage, you’ll learn to create tailored clothes to your own designs and Learn to create more elaborate designs.

Duration: 3 months + 2 months internship
Subjects: Patternmaking, Garment Construction, Fashion Illustration and Textile Science. Fashion Illustration and Textile Design are available on request and not included in this fee.
Module Mentor: Mrs Doyin Sonubi
Venue: ABSL Fashion Institute, Anthony, Lagos.

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Students must have completed our Intermediate Course or have completed a Course equivalent to our Intermediate Course curriculum


Topic to be covered

Pattern Making

Aim of the Module: To enable individual create apparel or custom patterns with respective with respective final finishing according to the clothing requirements.

  1. Basic Patternmaking Blocks (Basic Bodice, Bodice Skirt and Basic Sleeve)
  2. Basic Trouser Foundation
  3. One-piece Jumpsuit Foundation
  4. Asymmetric Designs
  5. Kimono
  6. Raglan
  7. Drop Shoulder (Off-the-shoulder)
  8. Bustier and Brassiere
  9. Design Interpretation
  10. Corsetry
  11. Introduction to Draping

Garment Construction

Sewing Techniques and Professional Finishing

Tools Needed 

You can now order your designing tools, both Patternmaking & Garment Construction here 

  1. Brown Paper
  2. Armhole Curves / French Curves
  3. Measuring Tape
  4. Sharpener
  5. Eraser
  6. Paper Scissors
  7. Pencil 
  8. Masking Tape
  9. Metal long straight Ruler
  10. Tracing Wheel
  11. Hip Curve     
  12. Muslin/ Calico / Teru 

Additional information


Mrs Doyin Sonubi