Garment Construction


This practical course is designed to take students from sewing experience to becoming an industrial machinist. The students are taught machine handling skills, skills of basic sewing techniques— application of stitches, seams, darts, gathers, pleats and edge finishing, etc.  production sewing and full garment construction techniques to industry standard.

Duration: 4 weeks

Certificate of Completion will be awarded at the end of the Course

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Topic to be covered

Part 1

  1. Parts of a Sewing Machine 
  2. Treadling Peddling the Machine 
  3. Stitching on paper for alignment 
  4. Threading the machine 
  5. Basic Machine Templates (10) 
  6. Seams (Topstitch, Flat-Fell, French) 
  7. Pleats, Tucks, Gathers, Ruffles
  8. Facing
  9. Hook and eyelet
  10. Hemming 
  11. Zippers – Concealed, Exposed and Lapped
  12. Pockets – In-Seam, Hip, Patch

Part 2

  1. Finishing Methods
    1. Lining
    2. Facing and Bias

Tools Needed 

You can now order your designing tools, both Patternmaking & Garment Construction here 

  1. Brown Paper
  2. Armhole Curves / French Curves
  3. Measuring Tape
  4. Sharpener
  5. Eraser
  6. Paper Scissors
  7. Pencil 
  8. Masking Tape
  9. Metal long straight Ruler
  10. Tracing Wheel
  11. Hip Curve     
  12. Muslin/ Calico / Teru