4 Week Basic Patternmaking Onsite Course


You can START A CAREER IN FASHION DESIGN with thi Four Week Basic Patternmaking Onsite Crash Course.
This course introduces you to how to draft Basic Patterns. You will learn how to take the Full Female Body measurements. And how to draft the Basic Bodice, Trouser, Skirt and Sleeve. This short course is grouped into Four(4) Parts. It form your Pattern making Foundation which you can continue to build on easily.


Please note, this is a Pattern Making Course Only. If you want to learn Professional Sewing, you can buy our Short Course on Garment Construction Course here.



Duration: 4 weeks
Subjects: Patternmaking
Venue: ABSL Fashion Institute, Anthony, Lagos.

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Who can enrol 

If you belong to any of the categories above, then you need to buy this Course:

a. You are tired of Tailors disappointing you and you Would want to start making your own garments
b. You already Sew but Work with the #Freehand Method and you would want to find out what Professional Patternmaking is all about
c. You are interested in learning the ART OF DRESSMAKING
d. You Would want to Start a Career in Patternmaking and Designing
e. You do not have time to go enrol in a Physical class



  • You get enrolled on the Online Version of the Course. 
  • Links to great Pattern Making Books
  • You can download


Topic to be covered

Part 1: Basic Skirt Foundations

  1. How to accurately take the Skirt measurements 
  2. Patternmaking Tools
  3. How to draft 3 Skirt Foundations
    a. Straight Skirt Block
    b. Shaped A-Line Block
    c. Shaped-Straight Straight Block
  4. Patternmaking and Sewing Terms

Part 2: Basic Bodice Blocks

  1. How to take Accurate Bodice
  2. Construction of the Basic Bodice (Torso) Blocks
  3. Waist Shaping
  4. Terms and Abbreviations

Part 3: Basic Trouser Blocks

  1. How to accurately take the Trouser measurements
  2. How to draft the Trouser Blocks
  3. Pattern and Sewing Terms

Part 4: Basic Bodice Blocks

  1. How to accurately take Sleeve measurements
  2. How to draft the Straight Sleeve Block


All Blocks must be made in your size. Students will be guided on to make their Test-Fit. Male students will have to use a Model.

Tools Needed 

You can now order your designing tools, both Patternmaking & Garment Construction here 

  1. Brown Paper
  2. Armhole Curves / French Curves
  3. Measuring Tape
  4. Sharpener
  5. Eraser
  6. Paper Scissors
  7. Pencil 
  8. Masking Tape
  9. Metal long straight Ruler
  10. Tracing Wheel
  11. Hip Curve     
  12. Muslin/ Calico / Teru 


Additional information

Lecture Days

Thursday and Friday


Mrs Doyin Sonubi